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Amx Mod!

Comandos AMX Mod:


amx_kick [reason] - Kicks a player from the server.
amx_ban [reason] - Bani a player from the server.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] - Adds a user to the list of banned from the server.
amx_unban <authid or ip> - Forgive a player banned from this server.
amx_slay <name or #userid> - Give a player a slap.
amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] - Slaps a player in accordance with the damage.
amx_leave [tag1] [tag2] - Kicks all players who do not have these tags on the server.
amx_pause - Pauses or resumes the game.
amx_who - Displays who is on the server.
amx_cvar <cvar> [value] - Exchange or displays the value of the cvar.
amx_map <nomedomapa> - Changes the map.
amx_cfg - Performs a configuration file.
amx_rcon <rcon comando> - Executes a command on the server.
amx_plugins - Lists all loaded plugins.
amx_modules - Lists all loaded modules.


amx_say <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_chat <message> - Sends a message to all users.
amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> - Send a private message to the player.
amx_tsay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players on the left.
amx_csay <color> <message> - Sends a message to all players in the center.


amx_votekick <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to expel a player.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> - Starts a vote to ban a player.
amx_vote <question> <resposta1> <resposta2> - Starts a vote no.
amx_cancelvote - Calcela the last poll in progress.


/ Hp - Displays information about the player who killed him.
/ Statsme - Displays your stats.
/ Stats - Displays the statistics of other players.
/ Top15 - Displays top15 server.
/ Rank - Displays placed on the server.


nextmap - Displays the next map to be played.
timeleft - displays the time remaining on the map.
thetime - displays the current time.


amxmodmenu - Displays the main menu of AMX MOD.
amx_cvarmenu - Displays the CVAR menu.
amx_mapmenu - Displays the map change menu.
amx_votemapmenu - Displays the map voting menu.
amx_kickmenu - Displays the menu of expulsion.
amx_banmenu - Displays the ban menu.
amx_slapmenu - Displays the menu slap / blow.
amx_teammenu - Displays the team change menu.
amx_clcmdmenu - Displays the client commands menu.
amx_restmenu - Displays the weapons restrictions menu.
amx_teleportmenu - Displays the teleport menu.
amx_pausecfgmenu - Pause / Resume plugins.
amx_statscfgmenu - Displays the settings menu of statistics.

AdminMod commands:


admin_help - help commands are listed. It can be used to list all possible commands and also for more detailed description of the desired command.
admin_version - Information AdminMod and lists the plugins that are installed.
admin_status - Shows the level of user access to the console.
admin_login - Allows users to log in with your password, granting Admin access if the user is registered as the Server Admin.
admin_password - Works the same way that the admin_login, ie, is an alternative way to log into the server as Admin.
ADMIN_CMD - Allows use of normal console commands. Ex: admin_command sv_restartround time / s.


admin_abort_vote - Aborts a vote that is in progress.
admin_autokick <1 or 0> - mp_autokick on or off. 512 level is required for any change is made.
admin_autoteambalance <1 or 0> - Sets the mp_autoteambalance. 512 level is required for any change is made.
ADMIN_BAN <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.> - Bans a user. Time 0 means permanent ban.
admin_banip <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.>: - Bans a user by ip address. Time 0 means permanent ban.
admin_bury <user> - "Bury" the specified user.
admin_buytime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_buytime. 512 level is required for any change is made.
admin_cancelvote - Cancels the vote that is in progress.
admin_cfg file> conficuração> - Execute Server configuration files.
admin_chat <message> - Messages restricted only to admins.
admin_chattime <#> - Sets the mp_chattime.
admin_consistency <#> - Sets the mp_consistency.
admin_csay [Color English] <message> - Messages in the center of the screen.
admin_ct <user> - Pass the user to the Counter-Terrorist team.
admin_c4timer <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_c4timer.
admin_denymap <mapa> - Removes all votes for a map.
admin_disco - players change color with time.
admin_dmesg <identificação> <userid> usuário> <message> - Message sent to the specified user.
admin_execall <command> - Forces all users to run the specified command.
admin_execclient <user> <command> - Force the user to run the specified command.
admin_execteam <equipe> <command> - Force team (CT or RT) to run the specified command.
admin_fadetoblack <1 or 0> - mp_fadetoblack on or off.
admin_flashlight <1 or 0> - mp_flashlight on or off.
admin_footsteps <1 or 0> - mp_footsteps on or off.
admin_forcecamera <#> - Sets the mp_forcecamera.
admin_forcechasecam <#> - Sets the mp_forcechasecam.
admin_fraglimit <value> - Adjusts mp_fraglimit Server.
admin_freezetime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_freezetime.
admin_friendlyfire <1 = ON / 0 = disabled> - Sets the mp_friendlyfire Server.
admin_fun <"on" | "off"> - Fun mode.
admin_gag <user> <tempo/min.> - Mutes the user. Time 0 implies muting user permanently.
admin_ghostfrequency <#> - Sets the mp_ghostfrequency.
admin_glow <cor in inglês> <"on" | "off"> - Lets you color.
admin_godmode <user> <"on" | "off"> - Sets the mode of invincibility to the specified user.
admin_gravity <value> - Adjusts sv_gravity Server.
admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the name server's hostname.
admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the name server's hostname.
admin_hpenalty <#> - Sets the mp_hostagepenalty.
admin_kick <user> <razão> - Kick the specified user.
admin_kickpercent <#> - Sets the mp_kickpercent.
admin_llama <user> - Change username to Llama.
admin_listmaps - Lists the maps contained in the mapcycle.
admin_listspawn - List all items of the server.
admin_map <mapa> - Changes the map.
admin_mapvoteratio <#> - Sets the mp_mapvoteratio.
admin_maxrounds <#> - Sets the mp_maxrounds.
admin_messagemode <command> - Sets which command message that will be executed when pressing "Y" is used.
admin_movespawn <item> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo> - Moves the item to the specified location.
admin_nextmap - Shows what the next map.
admin_noclip <user> <"on" | "off"> - Sets the mode "without barriers" to the specified user.
admin_nomessagemode - Turn the key "Y" to its original function.
admin_nopass - Remove the password from the server.
admin_pass <password> - Sets the password server.
admin_pause - Pause Server.
admin_playerid <#> - Sets the mp_playerid.
admin_psay <user> <message> - Send a private message to the specified user.
admin_rcon <command> - Execute rcon commands.
admin_reload - Reloads files AdminMod.
admin_removespawn <item> - Removes an item from the site.
admin_restartround - Restarts the game.
admin_restart - Restarts the game.
admin_restrict - View / Configure / Save the restrictions on guns. Everyone can view the restrictions.
admin_restrictmenu - Changes the restriction on gun menu. Requires that the menu is enabled.
admin_roundtime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_roundtime.
admin_say <message> - Send a message identifying it as admin.
admin_servercfg <configuration file> - Sets what will be the default configuration file server.
admin_slap <user> - Hit the user. Each execution of the command implies the loss of 5 points.
admin_slay <user> - kills the user.
admin_slayteam <equipe> - Kills the specified time.
admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo>: - Creates a new item.
admin_ssay <message> - Send message admin but without identification.
admin_stack - Does everyone get over you.
admin_startmoney <800/16000> - Set the mp_startmoney.
admin_startvote - Starts vote.
admin_t <user> - Pass the user to the Terrorist team.
admin_teamplay <teamplay> - Adjusts mp_teamplay Server.
admin_teleport <user> <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports the user to the specified coordinates.
admin_timelimit <tempo/min> - Adjusts mp_timelimit Server.
admin_tkpunish: <1 or 0> - mp_tkpunish on or off.
admin_tsay [color English] <message> - Sends a message in the left corner of the screen.
admin_unban <WONID or IP> - Desbani the specified user.
admin_unbury <user> - Unearth the specified user.
admin_ungag <user> - Desmuta the user.
admin_unllama <user> - Removes status Llama user.
admin_unpause - Despausa Server.
admin_unrestrict - Remove restrictions on guns.
admin_userlist <name> - Shows the list of users.
admin_userorigin <user> - Returns the coordinates X, Y, Z.
admin_vote_kick <user> - Starts a vote to kick the user specified.
admin_vote_map <mapa> - Starts a vote to change map.
admin_vote_restart - Starts a vote to restart the game.
admin_vsay <message> - Starts a vote on the matter given in the message.
admin_winlimit <#> - Sets the mp_winlimit.
currentMap say - which will indicate the name of the current map.
nextmap say - Indicates what the next map.
say timeleft - Check the time remaining on the map.
say glow <cor English | "off"> - Lets the user color. Works only with the Fun mode enabled.

Normal controls (players):

Weapon swap with just one click:
hud_fastswitch 1
Shows fps:
cl_showfps 1
Voting systems
To vote for a map listmaps type in console to see the maps available and then type 'votemap X'.
Replace X with the corresponding number of the map.
PS: Server admins who want to add new maps must also add an entry in the file mapcycle.txt, this allows players to vote on any new maps. The percentage is defined by mp_mapvoteratio, a server variable.
In default is 60% for the map change is approved.

Kikar To vote for someone else's server, type listplayers the console and then put 'vote X'. Replace X with the player number. You need 61% of the time or hope that a player is kicked.

Change the color of the crosshair. You can choose from several different colors.

Typing this command you enable or disable the smoke coming out of weapons.

Shows how much time remains to finish the map.

Shows the radar.

Hide the radar.

Use this key to use the NVG (night vision goggles) when purchased.

This command is used to execute various commands, like commands within commands into your autoexec.cfg. For example: alias [ALIASNAME] "[COMMAND], [COMMAND], [COMMAND]; ...". The three points show that the commands can continue, '...' is there a specific command to finish ALIAS. Now if you put together [ALIASNAME] for a key or type it in console, all commands will be executed.

Variables from Client:
These are used to change certain aspects of the Counter-Strike. They may also change performance. To change their values, simply type '[NAME] [VALUE]' in the console.

fastsprites X
X = 0 - smoke grenade sprites transparent regular (slow)
X = 1 - sprites simple transparent smoke grenade (faster)
X = 2 - smoke grenade sprites VERY simple transparent (the fastest)

cl_observercrosshair X
X = 1 to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, 0 to disable. The Default is 1.

max_shells X
X = Maximum Number of empty cartridges out of the weapons at the same time.

max_smokepuffs X
X = Maximum number of smoke puffs at a time

hud_centerid X
X = 1 to center auto-ID text on screen, X = 0 to have auto-ID text in the bottom left corner (default 0).

rate X
This command controls how much information you get from the server you are connected to. For a 14.4 connection assigns its value to 1500, a 33.6k connection should be 3000, a 56k 3500, an ISDN should be 5000, and all connections faster than they should be between 5000 and 9999 (default 2500).

Half-Life Adjustment
Keys Of Customer Information:
Use "setinfo [NAME] [VALUE]" to change. For example, a setinfo dm, map display instructions. Enter setinfo to check the condition of all values ​​infokey.

ah X
X = 1 to enable self-help, X = 0 to disable. self-help gives the player hint messages throughout the game (default 1).

dm X
X = 1 to display instructions map after loading new levels, X = 0 to disable (default 1).

LeftHand X
When X = 1, the left hand models are used, when X = 0, the right hand models are used (default 1).

vgui_menus X
X = 1 to enable Menus From VGUI, 0 to use the classic mode.

Variables From Server:
These variables can only be changed by server administrators or users with remote console server.

mp_autokick X
Kick out who is idle for some time. Value of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_autoteambalance X
This variable is defaulted to 1. Establishes autobalanceamento necessarily the teams - Value of 1 = 'enabled', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_c4timer X
This variable is defaulted to 45. Sets the amount of time in between C4 placement and its explosion - ranges between 15 and 90 seconds.

mp_flashlight X
This variable is defaulted to 1. Establishes the use of flashlights by clients - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_footsteps X
This variable is defaulted to 1. Establishes Footprint sounds - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_forcechasecam X
This variable is defaulted to 0. Establishes the chasecam to follow teammates only - useful for LAN games - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_freezetime X
This variable is defaulted to 6. Assigns which time a "frozen" at the beginning of each round to buy weapons and equipment - Use a value of '0 'to disable.

mp_friendlyfire X
This variable is defaulted to 0. Establishes friendly fire - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_hostagepenalty X
This variable is defaulted to 2. Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before it is kicked from the server - Value '0 'leaves the function off.

mp_limitteams X
This variable is defaulted to 2. Sets the maximum number of players a team can have more than the other team - Use a value of '0 'to completely disable the team limiting.

mp_logmessages X
This variable is defaulted to 1. Sets the message log chat in log files - Setting of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

mp_mapvoteratio X
This variable is defaulted to 0.6. Give the ratio of players required to vote on the same map for the map change. The default is 0.6, meaning that 60% of players on a server must vote on the same map to change to that map. Can be is between 0.0-1.0.

mp_roundtime X
This variable is defaulted to 5. Assigns the time for each round - varies between 3 and 15 minutes.

mp_timelimit X
This variable is defaulted to 0. Assigns the rotation time of the maps.

mp_tkpunish X
This variable is defaulted to 1. Establishes teammates how someone can kill before being kicked - Value of 1 = 'on', and 0 = 'off'.

sv_restartround X
This variable is defaulted to 0. Sets the amount of time in seconds before reassigning the game, including frags, weapons, money, and scores - Use value of '0 'to disable these restarts.
[Image: STEAM_0:0:53624502.png]
Thanks given by: ap0llyon

cool, thanks. there is already a post with most of the admin stuff. but thanks for adding.
“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”

[Image: tumblr_mqs3acRDYo1rw5vcwo1_400.gif]
Thanks given by: BuL

Yeah, i made one that is almost exactally like that, but thanks for the iniciative! ^^

Btw, we utilize amx mod
[Image: quemquercasar.gif]
Thanks given by: BuL

(06-11-2012, 08:38 PM)ap0llyon Wrote: Yeah, i made one that is almost exactally like that, but thanks for the iniciative! ^^

Btw, we utilize amx mod

put some more stuff, this is good for new admins
thnks for comment
[Image: STEAM_0:0:53624502.png]
Thanks given by:

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